John G Lake- Breaking the Cycles of Defeat and Lack How many people remain stuck in an endless cycle of defeat with a grey cloud following them everywhere they go? Despite all their efforts, they always fall short, and their story is one of failure. In John chapter five, we read the account of the man with an infirmity for thirty-eight years, which in those days meant almost all of his life. “Now
Divine Healing, Gods Generals, Healing is for today, Holy Spirit, Ignited for Jesus, Ignited Mentoring Series, John G Lake, John G Lake insight, John G Lake quotes, John G Lake sermon, Pentecostal, Pure Heart Ministries, Receive Your healing, Robert Pears, the gifts of healing, the Glory, the ministry of healing, the Shekinah Glory
Do you desire to know Him? Have you heard about dwelling in the Secret Place and wondered what that means? Jesus, in His High Priest prayer in John chapter seventeen, declared some powerful truths and brought fresh light to the call to dwell in the Secret Place. Salvation is not simply about going to Heaven but about an intimate relationship to be enjoyed here on earth and then in its fullness in Heaven. Jesus
Divine Healing, Gods Generals, Healing is for today, Holy Spirit, Ignited for Jesus, Ignited Mentoring Series, John G Lake, John G Lake insight, John G Lake quotes, John G Lake sermon, Pentecostal, Pure Heart Ministries, Receive Your healing, Robert Pears, the gifts of healing, the Glory, the ministry of healing, the Shekinah Glory
J John G Lake and Understanding the Baptism in the Holy Spirit “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.” 1 Peter 3: 15 As believers, especially in these last days, we must be able to defend from the Word the hope we hold dear inside us.
Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Filled with the Holy Spirit, Gods Generals, How to receive the Holy Spirit, John G Lake, John G Lake insight, John G Lake ministries, John G Lake quote, John G Lake sermon, Robert Pears Pure Heart Ministries, Spirit-filled living, The Holy Spirit, What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, who was John G Lake
John G Lake- Jehovah Rapha- The Lord our Healer David recorded in Psalm 103: “Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me, bless His holy Name! Bless the Lord the Lord, O my soul, and forget not ALL His benefit: Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals ALL your diseases.” Psalm 103: 1-3 Here we are instructed to forget none of His benefits, from the Hebrew “gmuwl” meaning
Divine Healing, Gods Generals, Healing is for today, Holy Spirit, Ignited for Jesus, Ignited Mentoring Series, John G Lake, John G Lake insight, John G Lake quotes, John G Lake sermon, Pentecostal, Pure Heart Ministries, Receive Your healing, Robert Pears, the gifts of healing, the ministry of healing
John G Lake- The Communion with the Holy Spirit “The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.” 2 Corinthians 13: 14 The Holy Spirit birthed the Church, and we have an intimate connection with the Holy Spirit. In fact, every believer needs to recognize their absolute dependence on the Holy Spirit and that we must maintain a
Divine Healing, Gods Generals, Healing is for today, Holy Spirit, Ignited for Jesus, Ignited Mentoring Series, John G Lake, John G Lake insight, John G Lake quotes, John G Lake sermon, Pentecostal, Pure Heart Ministries, Receive Your healing, Robert Pears, the gifts of healing, the Glory, the ministry of healing, the Shekinah Glory
John G Lake- We Need the Fire of His Glory John wrote in his Gospel: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.” John 1: 14 John brings us into this wonderful experience by saying, “we beheld” or we were brought in and got a glimpse of His glory. The
Divine Healing, Gods Generals, Healing is for today, Holy Spirit, Ignited for Jesus, Ignited Mentoring Series, John G Lake, John G Lake insight, John G Lake quotes, John G Lake sermon, Pentecostal, Pure Heart Ministries, Receive Your healing, Robert Pears, the gifts of healing, the Glory, the ministry of healing, the Shekinah Glory
John G Lake- Defeating the Spirit of Unworthiness Jesus started His earthly ministry by quoting from Isaiah chapter sixty-one. He boldly declared that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him, and He had anointed Him. That anointing was for the purpose of the Father to be accomplished through Jesus. We know the Father so loved that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus. “He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to
Divine Healing, Gods Generals, Healing is for today, Holy Spirit, Ignited for Jesus, Ignited Mentoring Series, John G Lake, John G Lake insight, John G Lake quotes, John G Lake sermon, Pentecostal, Pure Heart Ministries, Receive Your healing, Robert Pears, the gifts of healing, the Glory, the ministry of healing, the Shekinah Glory
Paul was a powerful man whose life was wrecked by the love of Christ. He would write most of the New Testament and would bring clarity to the Gospel, the impact of salvation, and even the love of Christ. In his letter to the Romans, he reveals the law of the Spirit. Let us remember that all things in Creation, from the sub-atomic level, through the human system, all the way to the galaxies