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Lord, I have Had My Full of Death- I Can’t Take Anymore   We live on a fallen planet where sin abounds and consequently, death. There are some seasons where
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Smith Wigglesworth- Divine Activation     As believers, we are called not just to be Christians but to go and do, fulfilling the high call of Heaven. We were created
Smith Wigglesworth- Storming Heaven for Your Breakthrough   Jesus spoke of John the Baptist, who, although in the wilderness, stirred the nation, and they came to him. He didn’t set
Charles Finney- How to Pray for Revival   As we look around it is clear we need revival, but how do we pray successfully and see revival. Many people in
Your Co Smith Wigglesworth- The Price of Miracle Working Power   In Matthew chapter ten, Jesus declared:   “And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of Heaven is at
Jesus explained that:   “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; foe the Father is seeking such
Do you desire to know Him? Have you heard about dwelling in the Secret Place and wondered what that means?   Jesus, in His High Priest prayer in John chapter