Overcoming Harassing Spirits
Overcoming Harassing Spirits The word harass means to exhaust, fatigue, annoy persistently, create a hostile environment, worry, and impede by repeated attacks. As believers, at various points, you will experience the harassment of the enemy, and [...]
Leonard Ravenhill’s Insight into Positioning Ourselves for Revival
We need Revival- with Insight from Leonard Ravenhill Blow a trumpet in Zion, And sound an alarm on My holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble, For the day of the LORD is [...]
How to Walk In the Blessing of the Secret Place
I Won't Let You Go Until You Bless Me Something that we don’t talk much about today or fully appreciate is the blessing. When the Lord called Abraham, listen carefully to what the Lord said: “Get out [...]
The Deep Waters of the Secret Place- Marked by the Master
The Deep Waters of the Secret Place- Marked by the Master Jesus explained that: “But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; foe the Father [...]
David a Man After God’s Heart
David was the forgotten son, the man pursued relentless through the wilderness, who despite all the odds became Israel’s greatest king, and a type and shadow of the Messiah. We are told that one day [...]
John the Beloved
John the Beloved As we look at the early Church and the original twelve apostles, John the Beloved stands out for many people. Why? John paints a powerful vision of Jesus that, like John, we, through [...]
The Apostle Paul
The story of Paul demonstrates the power of the Cross to change a person and how God can take an imperfect earthen vessel and transform it radically so that the Lord can make it a [...]
Peter- A Fisher of Men
Peter, a man from humble beginnings, rose to be one of the foremost leaders of the early Church. Chosen as one of the twelve apostles by Jesus Himself, Peter bore witness to the transformational power [...]