Welcome to our Partner Page
Below are different forms to sign up as a partner or to leave a prayer request. To gain access to our Zoom Church Services please click on button below
Here you will find information on the ministry and becoming a partner with us so that together we can do great things for the Lord. You will also find ministries we partner with and encourage you to check out their sites and ministries.

Become a Partner
The Pure Heart Ministry Partner Program
Core Beliefs
Do you believe that salvation is only through Jesus’s sacrifice on the Cross and through the shedding of His blood (John 14: 6, 1 Peter 18-19, John 3: 16-18)? And that salvation is by grace through faith (Ephesians 2: 8), and have you confessed Him as Savior and Lord? Have you received the Holy Spirit? Do you accept the Word as the FINAL AUTHORITY?
If you are active in ministry, please write to us and provide us details regarding your ministry.
As a partner, do you agree to
- Pray daily for the ministry, partners (each other) of the ministry, and all those contacting the ministry for prayer?
- Do pray (not criticize) leaders, for the Body of Christ, Souls for Jesus?
- Do you agree to be a blessing to all partners seeking to encourage them through prayer support and sharing things that are wholesome and a blessing?
- And to live boldly for Jesus in this hour?
While it is not a requirement (You are under no obligation to give), we do ask that you prayerfully and as the Lord leads consider financially supporting Pure Heart Ministries.
Members of the partner community must not use this platform to make any statement that is hateful, harmful, or attacking towards any person, ministry, race, or group of people.
Our Vision
Pure Heart Ministries, Inc (PHM) seeks to edify, encourage, and provoke believers to live boldly for Jesus in this hour. By sharing the stories of the various heroes of faith (early Church, Evangelical, and Pentecostal), and revealing what they did right and what they did wrong to help catapult believers to fulfill their high call. PHM is a Spirit-filled ministry that seeks to preach and teach the full Gospel of Jesus Christ boldly to the global Body of Christ.
The Call
Robert Pears is called as a pastor and teacher to the Body of Christ. Pure Heart Ministries seeks to provide:
- Preaching Ministry- now anointed messages to encourage, edify, and comfort believers.
- Teaching Ministry- aimed at equipping and provoking believers to live boldly for Jesus and fulfill their high call from Heaven in this hour
- Gods Generals- we seek to share valuable insight from the heroes of faith to help believers learn from what they did right and wrong so they can be catapulted into their divine purpose
- Mentoring- We provide powerful Word-based teachings filled with insight from Gods Generals to help form a strong understand and enable believers to defend the hope inside of them
- Mentoring Meetings- to provide specific training to believers on a variety of subjects
- Partner Meetings- bring partners together to pour into them, encourage and help them fulfill their purpose
- Produce videos that will include documentaries on Gods Generals as well as ones sharing insight from them on key subjects
- Publishing books on Gods Generals with powerful insight to aid believers
- Travel to other churches and groups to preach/ teach/ and bless
- Pray for the sick- divine healing is a major part of our ministry and we seek to build faith through the Word, so believers learn how to walk in divine health
Integrity and Behind the Scenes
Robert spends many hours in research to make sure everything he presents is Scripturally and historically correct. PHM is committed to being a ministry of the highest integrity, and to Robert Pears, it is crucial to be a real Christian in both private and public. All that he does is prayed about, prayed in, and prayed over. It is his heart to deliver a NOW and ANOINTED Word that is fresh manna from Heaven that meets the needs of the people.
He is committed to absolute integrity, so he seeks to ensure he has proper licenses for what he shares – including music, images, and artwork (to help reduce costs where possible, he seeks to produce his own artwork). The videos require significant time to record, process, and publish. He desires that the videos are as professional as possible, and he hopes that at some point, he will have the resources to add closed captions to the video so they can be translated into different languages (a continuous request that we receive). The ministry already has a global impact, and it would help if we would have videos translated into different languages.
We have become a global ministry and have truly touched and changed lives all over the world. Our Website will be a powerful resource for believers worldwide and will include links to aid them in their research. The Website will consist of both materials from our preaching and teaching ministry.
Also, we will begin providing tools for training believers and ministries in photography/ videography and Godly marketing to help them reach people effectively for Jesus.
PHM seeks to start a church in the Elgin area to minister locally and, above all, reach souls for Jesus. We will continue to provide online services to minister to the Body nationally and globally. We also plan to hold conferences where we will bring in “Gifts” or ministries that we believe will impart great things to those in attendance. We believe the mission field today in America and Europe, and we need revived and bold believers filled with the Holy Spirit to go into the harvest fields. We need pastors to plant churches and teachers to train believers in the Word.
We work with many ministries, including David and Michele Vento of AmericaTake5, Roberts Liardon Ministries, and Full Gospel Assemblies, International.
In the last year, PHM has grown significantly, and the demand is greater than the resources (currently just me). I also fully appreciate the need and importance of prayer and absolutely need prayer warriors standing with me. We receive constant testimonies of lives changed, people who have received Jesus, been healed, or have been powerfully blessed. PHM makes a difference worldwide, and with your support, we can do even more!
How You Can Partner with Us and What it Means for You
We would be honored to have you as a partner, and we believe that the rewards obtained by PHM will be shared by our partners. It is time to sow seed into good soil that is making a difference for the kingdom. You can sow and partner with us by-
- Prayer Support- As you read the letters of Paul, it was clear that he knew and understood the power and importance of having partners pray for him and the ministry. He knew he needed a door of utterance opened to him and not just speaking opportunities. Too many are interested in hearing their voice. We want doors of utterance! We want lives changed! We also need prayer support for the numerous and growing requests we get from people worldwide. Finally, we want partners who pray for each other, so as a partner, you know there is always a team praying for you.
- Financial Partners. It takes money to do what we do, and we appreciate all those who, as the Lord, lead sow financially. We don’t believe in begging or manipulating people for money. We also believe that if a person sows $1 in obedience, they are equal to the one who sows $1,000 in obedience.
- We are looking for partners who can sow on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, etc.) as they feel led
- Those who wish to give one-off offerings
- We are not concerned about the dollar amount as we deem every penny an honor
- You can give online (GodsGeneralsAndRevivals.com through PayPal, via text (855-284-8166 and text ‘give”, or by calling the office 224-227-6693.
- Participating- we will start an online community on our Facebook page, and we encourage you to get involved. It is a place to connect, share, and pray for one another. (We will only remove things that are deemed inappropriate or dangerous). We want to create a community where you can get to know one another and encourage one another with your gifts and callings and, above all, where you will pray and support one another.
- We will hold regular partner Zoom meetings and as soon as we are able in-person partner meetings. These will be powerful times for us to bless our partners and help the partners build strong bonds with other members.
- Our hope is that through the partner program, it will enable PHM to fulfill its call and bless the Body, and in addition, it will open doors and equip you to fulfill your call. This will include opportunities for licensing and ordination.
- We will provide a service where partners can obtain video intros, video advertisements, etc. created for as low pricing as possible (licenses, creation time, etc.- create the cost). We have created video ad campaigns and intros for many ministries and organizations in the past and can provide many examples.
About Robert Pears
Robert Pears was born on the west side of Chicago, but after his father developed terminal cancer, they moved when he was five to England (Leicestershire). After his father’s death, his mother moved the family to Derry/ Londonderry (Northern Ireland). It was during the “Troubles,” and life proved very difficult. At the age of seven, while praying, the Lord appeared to Him. During the experience, Robert was called into ministry.
In his late teens, Robert had sought to pursue a career in medicine, but the Lord called him into ministry. Robert did get a BSc (Hons) in Biochemistry while he sat under pastors and was discipled by them. He became a college teacher for several years (as the Lord began training him for his future).
A group of American Missionaries (David and Michele Vento) who had started a church in Dublin and Donegal became his spiritual parents and continue to be so even to this day. Robert was ordained by them in 1997 which is also when he officially started PHM.
Robert returned to the U.S. in 1992, and in 1995, he was married. Today he has four children plus a son who is in Heaven. In 1997 he started a church that did very well until an outbreak of strife did severe damage to the church, and in 2005, it was closed. Robert did continue as a teacher and taught at different churches.
In 2016, the Lord told Robert to begin researching the heroes of faith and revivals of the past, and hence the new stage in PHM began.
Our Heart
We are humbled by what the Lord has done because I am a nobody. We are against religious politics, and we are not seeking to build our kingdom. We strive to be obedient, and we are honored to be used by the Lord. We love the Body of Christ, and we are broken for the lost. Our heart’s cry, which should come across in all we do, is to see revival because we know the generation absolutely needs revival (an awakening). The heart of PHM is to disciple believers so that they will reach the lost and disciple them.
We have discovered the wonderful ministry and power of the Holy Spirit and that we have a living hope in Jesus. PHM will seek to bring believers to an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit and to discover Jesus as their living hope.