Overcoming Harassing Spirits
Overcoming Harassing Spirits The word harass means to exhaust, fatigue, annoy persistently, create a hostile environment, worry, and impede by repeated attacks. As believers, at various points, you will experience the harassment of the enemy, and [...]
TONGUES- The Prayer Language and the Gift of Tongues- There Differences and Purposes
The gift of tongues and interpretation of tongues is perhaps the least understood and yet, in Charismatic circles, one of the most predominant gifts. So, let us do a deeper dive into them. “But the manifestation [...]
Overcoming the Hard Times- Breaking the Cycles of Defeat
Overcoming the Hard Times- Breaking the Cycles of Defeat On this fallen earth, we will experience a constant change in seasons, and the closer we get to His return, the more difficult it will get on [...]