The Secret Place and How to Overcome Addiction to Food
The Secret Place and How to Overcome Addiction to Food When we think about addictions, we immediately think about drugs and such. But addictions come in many ways, and food is one of them. We must [...]
The Ministry of Prayer- Power to Bind and Loose
Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, begins to explain the church and he says: “This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the Church.”Ephesians 5: 32 Understanding the mystery of the Church is [...]
Using the Prophetic as a Weapon in Spiritual warfare
Ignited Bible SchoolEffective Ministry- Understanding the Devil’s Strategies If you meet someone very good at chess, you will discover that they study the strategies of chess and key counter strategies to successfully address the enemies’ attacks. [...]
A Critical Message to the Church- Don’t Abandon Your High Call
Don’t Abandon Your Post Many starts running the race well, but we are called to finish well. Looking at many heroes of the faith, we can see that some started strong or became strong but finished [...]
Affirmed by the Fire of God
Affirmed by Fire “but had some questions against him about their own religion and about a certain Jesus, who had died, whom Paul affirmed to be alive. And because I was uncertain of such questions, I [...]
The Shekinah Glory and the Word
The Word and the Glory The Word As believers, we use the term “the Word,” and we refer to the Bible, yet we know it means so much more. Rarely do we preach on the Word to [...]
The Restrainer of Second Thessalonians
The Restrainer Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians, talks to them regarding the Last days and in chapter two he is correcting them from a false message that the Day of the Lord had [...]
The Word- Jesus Pre-Incarnate in the Old Testament
Jesus, the Word, In the Old Testament After Jesus’ resurrection, Jesus met two disciples on the road to Emmaus, and during their walk, He began to show through the Old Testament the Scriptures concerning Himself. That [...]