Revival Center

The Revival Center


“They quickly forgot His works; they did not wait for His counsel, but craved intensely in the wilderness, and tempted God in the desert.”

Psalm 106: 13, 14


The Lord has put it on our heart to build a center in Elgin, Illinois, where believers came come and be:

  1. Refreshed– receive an anointed Now Word to encourage and strengthen them
  2. Be Equipped– we will provide a training center to equip the saints to fulfill the high call of Heaven. What will be unique about this training center is we will share insight from the heroes of faith, so we can learn from what they did right and what they did wrong and be catapulted into our divine purpose
  3. To remind– we want to build a museum to share the stories of the great cloud of witnesses and the revivals of the past. By doing so, we can provoke this generation to rise up and live boldly for Jesus
  4. Training– we want to help train believers to be effective using the tools available today
  5. Network/ Connect– we want to be able to connect believers so that we can work together and achieve even more for the kingdom. Through PHM, we want to connect ministries worldwide so that they can help one another and stretch one another to go further and do more.
  6. Prayer- Finally, we believe in the critical importance of prayer. If we are going to achieve anything great for the kingdom, we must build it on the Word and prayer.

To Be Apart of our Revival Center

For more information on the revival center of to be a part please got to our partner page to sign up