“Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away! O my dove, in the clefts of the rock, in the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely.”
Song of Solomon 2: 13b, 14
Do we hear the voice of the Holy Spirit calling us today to come aside and meet with Him in the Secret Place? Oh, the transformation awaits us and a fresh encounter with His love. A reinforcing and reigniting of the divine love in us.
Smith Wigglesworth said:
“How God fascinates me with His Word. I read and read and read, and there is always something new, and as I get deeper into the knowledge of the Bridegroom, I hear the voice of Jesus saying, ‘The bride rejoices to hear the Bridegroom’s voice.’ The Word is His voice, and the nearer we are to Jesus, the more we understand the principles of His mission. He came to take for Himself a people for His bride, He came to find a body.”
So many believers walk in knowledge about Him but never hear the call and come into the Secret Place to know Him. His sheep hear His voice, so let us hear His voice and come running. The Master is calling, and every fiber of our being should be so exhilarated and joyful that we must run. He is our everything. He is our All and All.
Smith explained:
“So while we are here to talk about salvation, there are deeper truths God wants to show us. It is not only to be saved, but there is eternal destiny in the plan of God for us. The wonders of His glory, that in the ages to come we may share with Him.”
How many things does the Master long to share with us, but we refuse to draw near? Oh, He wants us so close He can whisper. Can we learn to cling and hold on until we meet with Him and we are changed? Are we willing to wait until we hear all He says to us? Let us receive everything that He has for us.
Smith explained:
“Jesus, who could pray until He was transfigured, until His face did shine as the sun and His raiment became white and glistening.”
Jesus knew the importance of pushing into the deeper waters so that He might drink His fill. May we follow the Master? The Master knew that He had to come and receive what the Father had for Him so that he would give to us. There are so many issues we struggle with and often fail to overcome, yet if we dare press into the deeper waters of His Presence, we will receive the strength to overcome.
Smith said:
“He can make us overcomers, destroying the power of sin and indwelling us by His mighty power, transforming us until we love righteousness and hate iniquity, so that we can be holy. “
His Words have life, and when we draw near to Him, He draws near to us. Oh, the Secret Place is all about the deep cry of our hearts, for He must be our greatest treasure and the pursuit of our whole being. Smith added:
“We receive sonship because of His obedience. He learned obedience by the things He suffered. His family said He was beside Himself.”
Everywhere He went, people were either convicted and ran to Him, or the devil in them was offended, and they ran from Him. Sadly, too many believers have never heard of the Secret Place and continue to live a life of survival, even as Christians. Yet, we are to enjoy life that abundantly.
Smith explained:
Jesus is God’s specialty, meditate on the beatitudes, the attributes and divine position Jesus manifested. It is a new creation, a birth unto righteousness by faith in the Atonement, transforming and changing you till you are controlled, dominated, and filled with the Spirit of Jesus. Still in the body, governed by the Spirit, with fruit unto holiness and the end eternal life, He was the first fruits for us. Oh, Lord reveal Thyself unto this people, and give them unfeigned love and faith. Then you will stand persecution, ridicule, slander.
If we would learn to come away when no one is looking to seek His face, we would be proactively strengthened and prepared for all that the day might bring, and we would always overcome. There is so much He wants to share and pour into us. He wants us to know where we can hide on the day of trial. He wants to build our lives on the unmovable rock even as we see all things shake and fall.
Smith explained:
“Christ loved you when you were yet sinners, and He seeks your love in return, imparting to you an inwrought love by the Holy Ghost, changing you from faith to faith, from glory to glory.”
If we could understand the need, we have to simply wait on Him. This generation needs constant stimulation and struggles with even the thought of waiting. Previous generations knew how to wait and received such a refreshing and empowering feeling. They saw revivals and awakenings shake the nation. Today, we barely even feel the Presence of the Holy Spirit, not alone a divine assault of His Presence.
Smith said:
“Yea, beloved, this is the day of the visitation of the Lord again in Adelaide. Look at Him tonight, you needy ones. As you gaze upon Him you will be changed, a strength will come to you, you will exchange strength.”
Look at those who have gone before us and consider Jacob and how he had to get alone in the Secret Place. There, as he lingered, he received the blessing, and his walk was forever changed. Now, he could face Esau because he had wrestled with the Lord, and the Lord changed him from a supplanter to triumphant with God.
Paul understood he had to get alone in the Secret Place or had nothing to give the sheep. He said:
“For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord, and ourselves your bondservant for Jesus sake. For it the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”
2 Corinthians 4: 5, 6
Oh, how lovely it is to see His face and hear Him speak. To gaze upon Him as He speaks words of life into our lives! Smith explained:
“He is the God of Jacob, the God of the helpless and undone. The devil had a big play with Jacob, but there was one thing Jacob knew. He knew that God would fulfill His promise. God had Bethel, let him see the ladder, where the angels began at the bottom and went to the top. Bethel, the place of prayer, the place of changing conditions, earthly entering heaven.”
Jacob had talked with the Lord, but that day, everything changed as their relationship went to a new level. On this day, Jacob sought the Lord and pursued Him until the Lord came and blessed Him.
Smith explained:
“God had promised him and He brought him back to Bethel, but the same old Jacob was left, and as long as God allowed him to wrestle he wrestled. That is a type of holding on to this world. And God touched him. God has a way to touch us. Jacob cried, Don’t go till you have blessed me.’ God will bless you there, A place of helplessness and brokenness, there God will meet you. Have you been there?”
He wants to bring us out that He might bring us in. The Lord always has so much more for us if He can just get us to the place where He can transform us. Yes, He always has so much more in store if we would simply give Him more.
Smith explained:
“May God keep us in Himself where Satan has no power or victory. He has come to you, has the Comforter come to you? The Lord will rebuke the world of sin when the Comforter comes to you. Be ye transformed. Let Jesus come aboard. He that has received Christ and the power of the Spirit, healing will abide, life will abide. No man can keep himself, the weak is capable if he is in Christ Jesus. Are you willing to surrender yourselves to Christ, that Satan shall have no dominion over you, in Jesus’ Name I ask you?”